The Power of Effective Promotional Workwear - Creating an Iconic Uniform for your staff and clients
![The Power of Effective Promotional Workwear - Creating an Iconic Uniform for your staff and clients]({width}x.jpg?v=1585728564)
At Media Alliance, we generally discuss uniform style, the uniform industry, and like to give general corporate fashion advice.
While the simplicity of pens, water bottles and magnets are still rather genius in that they are practical products we all tend to need. The chance of the end-user eventually contacting the company who gave it to them with their logo ad web address splashed all over it is still slim. Especially since there are many more of these water bottles and magnets stashed away at their place. Promotional merchandise has certainly come a long way, with some companies sending matching note pads and pens to their prospects personalized with their name on it. This, however, comes at a cost. But to the consumer, the value of that promotional product is much higher, so they will most likely hold on to it and make more use of it, leading to a greater chance in them investing in that brand down the track.
Value is key! So how can we use promotional swag in the most successful way? When the value of that product is thought of so highly, they just WANT IT. And then that promotional product creates demand for both the free product and your brand. So how do we do it?
Clothing of course. Everybody loves free clothes! But if you’re going to give out free promotional clothing in Australia, they must have a universally appealing design. A great T-shirt, nice design cap, zip–up jumper or even scarf is probably your best bet; since they look good on anyone. But the design must be kept simple. Also, a cheaply made product won’t work. It must be quality. Stand out from the promotional clutter with some class, and unless you are already a big brand name, for people to want to wear it, don’t put your logo on it. Instead give it something special – an edgy cut, or standout colour, or something to make it unique. Unique to your brand in a meaningful way that represents what your company stands for.
By offering something they actually want to wear for free – something basic, essential, and trendy, then customers can link your brand to being cool and kind. Once they see others receiving such fashionable swag, the trickle–on effect can slowly work its magic on your brand. Everybody will be wearing it, talking about it, and giving them a sense of being a part of something big. That sense of belonging is what drives loyalty and word of mouth. Apple are the masters of this! Let’s also not forget these quality shirts, hoodies or caps will also be worn down the track for many months or even years, each time reminding them of your company, and spreading the word further when someone asks where they got it from.
So, as you can see the investment in such a move is a great way to differentiate and build your name. While one event may not make a huge impact – never say never. It is more ideal to do it at every event you’re making an appearance at, creating a demand for your cool swag and want to be a part of your crew. Having your fans in these well-recognised garments is like having a small population of eager brand ambassadors, which pretty much has a similar impact to a company uniform.
At Media Alliance, we have a massive selection of products suitable for this kind of marketing strategy. Our promotional workwear including t-shirts and hoodies are made from a quality fabric’s. Our colour combinations are almost endless.
If you would like to find out more information on our products please contact us on 021 555 4715 or